Friday, July 23, 2004

And so the drama continues....

[d1noli @ Friday, July 23, 2004]


Where to begin.  The day has just gone from bad to worse.  Not only did I end up leaving at work late (I just got back and it's almost 8pm) but I was greeted with the most wonderful of emails.  Turns out that one of the positions I was applying for (and hoping to be my ticket out of Miseryville) has just become a dead end.  This was after the fact that I was told by the Hiring Manager that my qualifications were exactly what she was looking for.

I really wish they hadn't kept my hopes up.  Now I'm really depressed.  GEEEZ.

So here's the rejection letter I got...

Oliver,Thank you for your interest in the Communication Development Consultant position at Sears Roebuck and Co. The Hiring Manager has carefully reviewed your credentials. At this time, your background and experience does not meet our current needs. Best wishes, Recruitment and Staffing SEARS

Quitting sure does look more and more appealing.


At 3:10 PM, Blogger CBS said...

Don't worry about it, Oli! One way to read the situation is that they are not yet ready for you! =)

At 2:01 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

thanks for the kind words both of you. talking about it really does help out. i'm glad we have this blog now.

i applied for a regional training manager job last night. let's see where that goes. keep you posted!

At 1:25 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

It's nice to know that they actually took the time to write you an email. Oh, I'm sure it's a generic email, but that's still better to most of the companies over here.

Back when I was looking for a job, I had companies just disappear from the map after my first interview. I don't think I stunk that much!The worst was when I was supposed to go for an interview, then it got cancelled because the interviewer was stuck in a meeting. Then they never got in touch with me again. I guess courtesy is just not in the culture.

In any case, Oliver, at least you still have your present job right now as a safety net.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger Cocooned said...

Whatever happened to that HR job lead I sent you? Did the recruiter get in touch with you?

Tell us again, what aspect of your job makes it sooo intolerable that you want to quit? Is it the long hours? Is it the pressure to meet deadlines or quotas? Is it the secretary? Is it the boss? The commute? Discrimination? The constant threat of one day being led to the slaughter? (this last one is what made you leave the farm, I heard...)

At 10:34 PM, Blogger d1noli said...

ken, they never called me back. so i guess they weren't interested.

what do i hate about my job right now? the long hours and the lack of respect. lately, everything i seem to do is wrong so i end up spending more time fixing stuff to make people happy rather than doing my real job. and you know what sucks about it? i AIN'T doing anything wrong. they're just picking on me becuase they're the ones messing up so they want me to look bad too. crab mentality galore.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger d1noli said...

actually russ, i think there are a lot of those people here too. i have a friend that got laid off then when he went to apply for a job he ecountered the same exact thing. people who would interview then not call him back. people who would cancel then never reschedule. it's messed up i tell ya.

you know the bad thing about it is? i know why it happens. people are just so damn busy these days that you tend be that way when hiring. i am ashamed to admit it but i was the same way when i was hiring people for my department. it's not that i wanted to be rude but rather i never just had the time.

some HR person i am huh?

At 5:37 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

Got word back on that regional trainer job. Didn't get it either. FUDGE!


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