Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Enjoying Work

[d1noli @ Wednesday, October 05, 2005]

The recent cancellation of my training event did not equate to a lessened workload. In fact, for the last couple of weeks, I have been bombarded with nothing but work. While the event itself was cancelled, all the content gathered for this was still salvaged. Now, in its place, we are planning to deliver training via two associate workbooks --- a sort of self-paced learning session if you will. So, as a result of this renewed direction, a lot of my time is spent creating and editing lessons which will meet this vision.

This project, however, is but a small part of all the OTHER tasks that I need accomplished. There is still a monthly publication that needs to be made (which, by the way, is already two weeks behind schedule). Weekly readiness training sessions still have to be developed. Online learning lessons require updating as we go into our peak associate hiring season. A new training event needs to be planned for early next year. Finally, on top of all this, we also are currently one person short --- meaning everyone has to take on extra job responsibilities to cover that void in the meantime. (I guess it was pretty foolish of me to think that with my event being cancelled, I would actually have some free time to breathe!)

Anyways, in order to catch up, I have resorted to working over the weekends and staying at the office late. I have even stopped carpooling during the interim. (Which, incidentally, is NOT good given the outrageous prices of gas these days!) Fortunately for me, I happen to like what I do (although not necessarily the company I work for). Were I still in my previous job of merchandise replenishment, I probably would be bitching a fit right now and wanting to quit. This just goes to show how enjoying what you do can make all the difference in the world.

I take great joy and satisfaction in being able to develop training. It allows me to not only exercise my creative abilities but also challenges me to learn things I would otherwise take for granted. Plus, being able to make a difference by helping people better themselves is something I find personally rewarding. It makes me feel like I'm "the good guy" and allows me to deal with the stressful aspects of the job easier. Sure, there'll be bad days where this stress will get the better of me (working weekends and staying late for instance!) However, as long as the good things outweigh the bad, I can honestly say that I like my job.

Along with this job satisfaction also comes an added benefit --- an ability to truly enjoy days off. Often times, people can find their personal lives enroached by the stresses of work. This lingering negativity can taint attitudes and, ultimately, ruin one's chance of enjoying life. When one likes his job , he is more able to easily detach himself from work and, consequently, carry less negative energy with him back home. This, in turn, results in a more effective recharging of the soul. Simply put, I am able to come to the office every Monday with great enthusiasm and energy. (And on some days, I actually look forward to it!)

Claiming to like work is a very hard thing to say nowadays, especially when you work at a company like mine with all its cutbacks and layoffs. There are too many people today who do not like their jobs. So, being able to really enjoy what I do and find personal fulfillment from it is a true blessing that I should never take for granted. I am fortunate enough to be in a job that allows me to grow both professional and personally. While it may not necessarily be the best job in the world, it is still a great chance of a lifetime.