Wednesday, September 22, 2004

New Beginning

[d1noli @ Wednesday, September 22, 2004]

Announced today....

It is with great pleasure that I proudly welcome back Oliver to the Stores Training organization! Some of you will remember Oliver when he previously worked on Amy Beatty's Team as one of the Region Trainers from 2001-2002. Oliver also supported our team at that time as one of the New Store Trainers and did an outstanding job in both areas. He was subsequently promoted into the Contract Sales organization as a Merchandise Analyst for Laundry/ GDOs / Grills/ Water Shop. In 2003, he assumed Merchandise Analyst responsibilities for one of the highest volume lines of merchandise in Contract Sales - Dishwashers/ Microwaves/ Built-In Cooking/ Air Conditioners, where he has done a terrific job with that organization until the present time.

Oliver will move into the Client Training Specialist position for Tools and Paint effective October 1st. His passion for training as well as his leadership abilities and great people skills will blend wonderfully with our highly skilled Training Team!

This what I was referring to earlier when I said I didn't want to get jinxed. I had actually gotten two job offers that day, the other being a Visual Presentation Specialist. Since I am an HR person by education, I took the one more suited for my credentials.

I am glad that I am finally out of this current job. The stress was getting to me as you know and there were several times I just wanted to quit. I am glad that things turned out for the best.

Have a great week!

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:46 AM]

Dear Oli,

A Visual Presentation Specialist sounds kinkier! But I like the sound of Tools and Paint as well! Congratulations!

[Blogger d1noli @ 7:08 AM]

Thanks for the accolades. The job has been okay so far and nothing overly stressful. I travel all next week.

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Friday, September 17, 2004

From Chinatown With Love

[d1noli @ Friday, September 17, 2004]

My straight friends have a nickname for my partner and I. To them, we're known as "the Algonquin Twins". Actually, I take that back. The more complete title would be " the Algonquin Twins who live way out in the boonies."

Yes, it's a sad fact. When you tell city folk that you live in a suburb of Chicago, they will instinctively assume you reside in the middle of nowhere, devoid such amenities such as electricity or running water. Moreover, should you dare ask these people to come over and visit, you will get this look of terror in their faces as if you were really asking them to chop off their right arm.

So, being the AWESOME people that we are, my partner and I are the ones who go visit our friends instead. We brave the one-hour drive (and occassional bumper-to-bumper traffic jam) and head ourselves downtown to see them. It's no big deal really. We love the city anyways because there's so much to do and we'll take any opportunity to head off there.

That being said, we all had a dinner planned in Chinatown for last Saturday. It had been a while since any of us had eaten there, so everyone was pretty much looking forward to the event. Lisa, the resident Chinese of the group, suggested we eat at a place called La Ming. Needless to say, she couldn't have picked a more perfect place. We happily ended up stuffing ourselves full of Orange Chicken, Mongolian Beef, Kung Pao Shrimp and Bok Choy that night! (Gluttony is such a wonderful thing.)

I am so blessed to have the company of friends. I don't have many, but those that I do have serve as my ground and my reality check. That night as we ate to our hearts content, my soul was being fed full as well. It's true what they say about no man being an island. Yes, my partner is still and always will be my best friend but he's of a totally different level. Sometimes you just need other people to complete you. Otherwise, you tend to get caught up in your own little world and begin to lose touch with reality. The perspective of others are so vital to one's self-actualization.

It's ironic. Being in Chinatown last Saturday made me feel like I was in a completely different world. From the bright neon signs written in a language I did not understand to the flowing architecture of the structures around me, everything that night seemed foreign. Yet, at the same time, I felt I was home. My friends made me feel that way. They were my comfort and my hearth. Visiting them requires me to be completely vunerable to the foreign-ness around me, to take a risk at exposing who I am to the harsh elements out there. But, that doesn't matter. When you are in the company of good people, they will always shield your vunerabilities from all these. More importantly, their friendship will serve as the food that sates and stregthens your soul.

I guess the journeys to the city are more than just a fun visit for me. They are, instead, journeys to find myself. They are journeys back home.

[Blogger rgucci @ 9:43 PM]

Just out or curiousity, what do your "crooked" friends call you?

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Macau Tower Skywalk

[rgucci @ Sunday, September 12, 2004]

Macau Tower Skywalk
Originally uploaded by rgucci.
After 2 years in Hong Kong, I finally went to Macau. Did the skywalk around the Macau Tower. You never really realize you're scared of heights until you're, well....scared of heights.

A bit of vertigo at first, but got used to it, specially with the harness. I dunno why, but wearing it was sexually stimulating ;) Maybe I've spent one time too many in those S&M places hehehe. That's Sungeons and Magons to all you Oli-like pervs.

[Blogger d1noli @ 2:44 AM]

I am not going to make any rude comments today becuase I am trying not to jinx myself. (More about what I mean later.)

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:58 AM]

To be honest, I was shit-scared up there. My legs were wobbly and things did spin a little bit. There is a really overwhelming fear of falling, and I'm not talking about "I don't want to fall!" fear. It's more like "I don't want to die!".

And I think that's what makes it so fun. Screaming "I don't want to die!" over and over again in my head says a lot, particularly, that life is good enough that I wanna stick around for a little bit more.

Having gone through my first real heartbreak, that's a real comforting thought. Don't get me wrong. I still think life just gave me a real lousy hand and most times I feel like hitting something. And maybe I will never make myself so vulnerable again. But I'm gonna deal. Alone if I have to.

[Blogger d1noli @ 4:14 AM]

Whoa. Hold up. Did I hear someone had his first real heartbreak? OMG. My little baby is growing up. *Sniff*

Being vunerable is part of living life. You cannot build up walls all the time. And yes, with that comes the inevitable fact that you will be stomped upon.

We all think we've been dealt a crappy hand. But to quote a friend of mine who lives in HK --- "DEAL WITH IT". It's always worse than what you think. But in the end, it's not as bad as it actually seemed.

Make yourself vunerable again and prepare for the hurt of your life. Just remember that there are people out there who will ease your pain. Moreover, there is one person out there who will take that vunerability, love it for what it is and, in the end, protect you from ever being hurt again. If it happened to me, a nobody in this world, then it can defenitely happen to someone like you who is 10x better.

[Blogger rgucci @ 11:27 AM]

It would be nice to believe that. What if it happens one after another?

[Blogger d1noli @ 1:56 AM]

It's happened to me too buddy. Don't worry about it too much. That path to love is never an easy one. It's almost like trial and error.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 1:34 AM]

Ah, so this is the "distracting" event... Not having any personal experience in the matter of heartbreaks, I feel I am not qualified to give any advice or opinion. So I won't. Just hang in there! If you need people to lash out on, there's always Oli. That might be stretching the definition of "people" a bit. He's more like a herd.

Just kidding! We're always here for you - that's what friends are for! =)

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:54 AM]

I am going on a trip to China. With someone else-- and absolutely no pressure, just enjoying each other's company and belittling other tourists and making fun of their strangeness. At the very least, it will be a welcome distraction from all the craziness these past few months. Ayah! Yes, that's a chinese expresson.

[Blogger CBS @ 11:37 AM]

So, I guess I've missed a lot, huh? Russ, take it easy! Love is just a four letter word. Just one of those numerous four letter words that exist in our vocabulary! Take it easy! Just make sure that when you feel like jumping off a high place, you are securely attached to a harness!

But seriously, you'll be ok. Remember, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. =)

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