Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving 2004

[d1noli @ Wednesday, November 24, 2004]

Hi folks,

I know I won't have time to do this with the "in-laws" coming to visit this weekend so I just wanted to greet everyone.

It isn't a holiday back home and probably not one either in Germany or HK but the significance of the day still holds true to me.

I am thankful that I have friends. Without them, my life would be so completely different. Thank you guys for being there and supporting me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Two become one

[d1noli @ Thursday, November 18, 2004]

It was announced today that our company was bought out by another company.

Sheesh, and to think I was beginning to be happy about work. Now this happens and once again everything is stressful. That's corporate America for you.

"Screw the little people!" That's the motto.

And it sucks.

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:10 PM]

A nice Jewish boy once pointed out to me: "Shit rolls downhill." Corporate buy-outs, takeovers, mergers, acquisitions... somehow that illustrates the point.

Would you happen to know which company just bought you? And how is the situation now? It would be so much easier if there was no such thing as politics or redundancy.

As always, we are here to remind you that things have a strange way of working out fine. You guys have so often reminded me about that in the past and it has turned out to be true so far-- yes, job offers in NYC can disappear along with the World Trade Center, but here I am now in Hong Kong; you were right about the heartbreaks, too-- they just leave you open with more possibilities... I won't jinx it by talking too much :D

Anyway, hang tight. There are few certainties in life. One of them is this: (let me toot our Alma Matter horn, with the Ateneo's sesquicentennial coming up in 2009) the education we got in college (and yes, high school too, so someone won't feel left out!) is one of the best in the world. After meeting so many people from all over, I can say that with a lot of confidence. Take my case, for example. I'm a computer geek, yet what makes me the best at what I do in my job has very little to do with my computer classes in college. Core curriculum rules!

Oli, I'm sure it's the same for you, too.

Non multa, sed multum.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 1:45 AM]

I'm back! At least for today....

Yeah, I heard K-Mart bought Sears. Strange, because I thought K-Mart was going down the tubes, so it would be more logical for Sears to buy out K-Mart, not the other way around.

But again, let me echo what Russell said, things have a way of working themselves out.

Guess what, now you can buy Martha Stewart items at a discount!!! :D

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Monday, November 08, 2004

10 Things That Happened to Me Recently

[d1noli @ Monday, November 08, 2004]

1) Got to dress up as an inmate TWICE for Halloween as well as meet Mitzie, the Halloween Poodle, for the first time.

2) Helped my friend Mike move to a bigger apartment --- getting his Hippie costume to wear next Holloween as a reward for my efforts!

3) Watched SAW and The Incredibles. (One was extremely creepy while the other extremely funny.)

4) Got myself a boatload of games that I'm never going to play (ex. X-Men: The Next Dimension, Arc the Lad, Legend of Legaia)

5) Saw Bette Midler in concert (Kiss My Brass)

6) Finally transitioned to my new job and office. (Good-bye Contract Sales!)

7) Succumbed to all the media hype of "Thin is beautiful" and bought a new spanking treadmill (which has yet to be used!)

8) Watched as Mark did mini-remodels of the office and living room in preparation for his parent's visit. (This includes him putting up the Christmas tree in October!)

9) Travelled to Pekin, IL which I lovingly refer to as the "middle of nowhere where only white people reside" (*shiver*)

10) Attended a management meeting wherein it was pointed out that I am a Concluder-Producer (or better known as highly anal/obessive-compulsive!)

[Blogger rgucci @ 11:01 AM]

I'm just curious. You dressed up as an inmate twice during Halloween? Lemme take a stab at why:

First, you dressed up as an inmate.
Then you took of your clothes and slutted around.
Then you had to put your costume back on.

Accurate enough?

[Blogger CBS @ 4:06 PM]

What's the point? Isn't INMATE = SLUT anyway? =)

[Blogger CBS @ 4:07 PM]

What's the point? Isn't INMATE = SLUT anyway? =)

[Blogger d1noli @ 12:35 AM]

Haha Russell. Unfortunately, I do not follow the same standards of "dressing-up" as you do.

I wore the costume twice becuase I attended two Halloween get togethers.

So there!

As for Chris, not all inmates are sluts. That's a common stereotype propagated by shows like Oz. Not that it's a bad thing. =P

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