Monday, November 08, 2004

10 Things That Happened to Me Recently

[d1noli @ Monday, November 08, 2004]

1) Got to dress up as an inmate TWICE for Halloween as well as meet Mitzie, the Halloween Poodle, for the first time.

2) Helped my friend Mike move to a bigger apartment --- getting his Hippie costume to wear next Holloween as a reward for my efforts!

3) Watched SAW and The Incredibles. (One was extremely creepy while the other extremely funny.)

4) Got myself a boatload of games that I'm never going to play (ex. X-Men: The Next Dimension, Arc the Lad, Legend of Legaia)

5) Saw Bette Midler in concert (Kiss My Brass)

6) Finally transitioned to my new job and office. (Good-bye Contract Sales!)

7) Succumbed to all the media hype of "Thin is beautiful" and bought a new spanking treadmill (which has yet to be used!)

8) Watched as Mark did mini-remodels of the office and living room in preparation for his parent's visit. (This includes him putting up the Christmas tree in October!)

9) Travelled to Pekin, IL which I lovingly refer to as the "middle of nowhere where only white people reside" (*shiver*)

10) Attended a management meeting wherein it was pointed out that I am a Concluder-Producer (or better known as highly anal/obessive-compulsive!)


At 11:01 AM, Blogger rgucci said...

I'm just curious. You dressed up as an inmate twice during Halloween? Lemme take a stab at why:

First, you dressed up as an inmate.
Then you took of your clothes and slutted around.
Then you had to put your costume back on.

Accurate enough?

At 4:06 PM, Blogger CBS said...

What's the point? Isn't INMATE = SLUT anyway? =)

At 4:07 PM, Blogger CBS said...

What's the point? Isn't INMATE = SLUT anyway? =)

At 12:35 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

Haha Russell. Unfortunately, I do not follow the same standards of "dressing-up" as you do.

I wore the costume twice becuase I attended two Halloween get togethers.

So there!

As for Chris, not all inmates are sluts. That's a common stereotype propagated by shows like Oz. Not that it's a bad thing. =P


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