Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy New Year?

[d1noli @ Monday, January 10, 2005]

It's amazing how quickly the "New Year High" wears off for me these days. I am only a couple of days out of the holidays and already I am experiencing a slump.

I do not want to be at work today. And as unlikely as it is to happen, a part of me just wants to take a year off from everything. I thought that I was unhappy becuase of my old job and the high stress level I was experiencing in it. Yet, here I am in my new job (in the field I want to be in) and I feel just as burnt out as before. As absurd as it seems, I am thinking about nothing else right now but just quitting.

Why I feel this way, I don't know. Maybe it's just a natural withrawal symptom (although I do not remember being this way last year). Maybe it's becuase we are headed to Las Vegas next month and I'm having "short-timer's syndrome". Maybe it's because the constant news of this merger is wearing me down. Whatever the case may be, I need to get this bug out of my system and I need to do it quick.

It's been years since I felt a void within me. But here again, I am beginning to feel its darkness calling me. Am I destined to have this monkey on my back for the rest of my life?

Maybe it's time to take a new direction. The question is, what direction? I'm seriously thinking I might be a candidate for Prozac. *Sigh*


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