Thursday, August 12, 2004

Consumatum est

[Cocooned @ Thursday, August 12, 2004]

It is done.

Today, I finally told my boss that I decided to go for my Masters Degree. My last day at work will depend on when I get my student visa. This process takes 25 days. Before I could apply for the visa, I also have to renew my passport, and this process takes 7 days. It looks like I'll be around for several more weeks. Most likely, my last day at work will be the end of September, and my last day in America will be the first Monday of October.

Growing up, I always had a problem sleeping the night before the first day of classes. The same thing happens the night before a big family vacation to Lingayen beach or Libis ng Nayon in Laguna. Or when somebody's scheduled to visit us the next day. Or when I was going to get a new puppy. Do you know that kind of feeling? This excitement that's impossible to contain? Something bubbling up inside you that you're almost ready to pop? That's what I feel right now. Not as intense, but it's bringing back many great memories I didn't know I still carried with me.

I didn't realize I could still feel this. In fact, I didn't realize I could still feel.

I better drink a warm glass of milk tonight!


At 9:51 AM, Blogger CBS said...

It really isn't "consumatum est!" I don't know the Latin term for it, but it's just the beginning of a new chapter in your life! I haven't felt that way for so long! But I do recall the feeling. Cognitive construct lang, hindi affective.

But vicariously, I can feel your anticipation and excitement! All I can say is "good luck and enjoy the ride (or the tunnel trip! =))!" No day but today! Forget regrets or life is yours to miss!

BTW, instead of milk, some people (wink*wink) might suggest a stronger drink! =)

At 3:27 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

I am happy for you Ken. The pursuit of one's wholeness is something that should never be taken lightly.

I'll be honest. I've always hated the "butterflies-in-your-stomach" feeling. That concoction of excitement, anticipation and anxiety does not sit well in my big old belly. I guess that's why I'm such an "OC-OC" and require structure in my life.

But I know what your feeling. In a way I feel that same way too when I wake up in the morning and am greeted by warm touch of my partner's body. It's the knowledge that I am blessed to spend another day in this world with him that really keeps me giddy.

So to that I raise my glass of milk (spiked with vanilla vodka) and say cheers!

At 11:35 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

First of all, I love the title-- skirting on blasphemy but not quite. It is finished would have made me really crack up.

Also, (it would have to be me, wouldn't it?) I can't help pointing out the sexual connotation: consumatum-- I thought this was yet another post about Oli's abberant sexual dreams.

Congratulations! Beginning something new is always exciting and frightening at the same time. I would have to agree on the feeling of anticipation. Butterflies in the stomach, indeed. By the way, isn't it interesting that most primal emotions are related to the stomach? When you feel hopless you can feel it in the pit of your stomach. Or how about hurting like being hit in the gut? Or feeling like you've eaten glass? Or that fuzzy warm sensation in your tummy when you're sexually aroused?

Good luck in Germany. By the way, which school have you finally accepted? I hope you considered the location very carefully. After all, we wouldn't want to be stranded in some boondock when we go visit you. Don't worry, I will come bearing gifts of that insanely expensive tea that you like.

You won't make it for Oktoberfest will you? No worries, you will be there for a while.

Good luck! And as a wise man once said,
Mai ist Ihr zukünftiges von den Läusen frei.

At 12:51 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

Road trip! Road trip!

When are all going to visit Ken in Germany?

Btw, folks, thought you should know. I have started the process of becoming a citizen. I get my fingerprints next week then my test a month or so after. My aunt who started in March is saying she is taking her oath in September and that if I follow the same time schedule I would be an American by November.

So I guess this marks a new chapter in my life as well. No worries though as dual citizenship has been re-established once again so I won't stop being a pure-bred Flip.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Cocooned said...

Thank you all for your well wishes!!!

I chose Freiburg University... or should I say, Freiburg chose me. One school (Saarbruecken) flatly rejected me, while the other (Tuebingen) said I didn't quite make it to the top of their list. Oh well, their loss, not mine. That's what I keep telling myself! (hehe)

Of the three, Freiburg has the best location. It's in the southwestern tip of Germany that borders France and Switzerland. It's within 15-30 minute driving distance to either country. It's the sunniest city in Deutschland and very touristy, like a San Diego of Germany. Best of all, I already have friends there so my transfer won't be too hard.

I will miss certain things: the few TV shows I watch, my car, cheaper clothes, my salary, certain luxuries like the means to travel and eat anything I want, etc. I feel, however, that God is on my side on this decision, so I'm sure everything will be fine. Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? -Matthew 6:26My door is open to you all! In fact, I need visitors to check up on me from time to time, to make sure I'm still sane. Here are two things to entice you to come: 1) Germany's strategic central location makes it easy to travel within Europe, both east and west. 2) They have a tunnel that can take you anywhere you wish! (Sorry Oli, hindi mo na naabutan yung Deutsche Welle show "HEAT" kung saan na-feature ang fan mail at hate mail ni Chris at ni Russell, respectively)

Now I have tons of things to do to prepare for my move. So it's not exactly consumatum est for me yet, though at least the hardest part - making the decision - is done. Right now, I'm embroiled in a spat with my company that stemmed from this decision. It's getting ugly actually, and I fear this might even cause my early dismissal. I'll keep you guys in the loop.

Thanks again for sharing my enthusiasm over my upcoming lifestyle change! Most people would think that my decision borders on the irrational. Why on earth should one leave a home, a steady job, and a comfortable life in the "best" country in the world? Only a few people understand that the American Dream I'm living isn't really my dream, and that my motivations do not involve these things. Almost all of these few people are members of this group blog.

Here's to living your dream! (aberrant sexual dreams included) *raises a glass of good-old pure, natural, bubble-free water, my drink of choice*


Children should get two things from their parents: roots and wings. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

At 8:02 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

Cheers to you, mate.

There is this commercial for an airline here, I'm not sure if any of you have seen it. It asks the question, "When was the last time you've done something for the first time?". It shows scenes like an elderly grandmother taking her first helicopter ride, and two guys experiencing their first snowfall.

There is something about Germany that resonates with you, isn't there? I would say that this turning a new leaf for you, but at the same time, isn't it sort of like coming home?

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Cocooned said...

"When was the last time you've done something for the first time?" I love that. That describes exactly what I always try to do, but I've never heard it put into words that are so simple yet so powerful. I'll make that my tag line.

Yes, Germany will be one of those things I've never done before. And by doing something new, it's like I'm going back to my old routine. But it's never routine, because it's always new. Ach - you know what I mean!

It's gonna be fun.

At 2:22 AM, Blogger rgucci said...

I knew you'd love it.

My work here is done.


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