Tuesday, July 27, 2004

My Dream Last Week

[d1noli @ Tuesday, July 27, 2004]

I seriously think I'm psychotic. (I just have a knack of hiding this fact to the rest of the world.) Why else would I have the kind of dreams I have?

I'm sure you all remember the one where I was trying to watch a Betamax tape of the Wizard of Oz only to treated instead to Whoopi Goldberg naked and performing unspeakable acts. Or how about the one where I dreamt of a guy robbing a bank in an Elvis outfit and mask who was later killed and revealed to be Jesus Christ?

Just last week, I was struck with another one of these weird psycho dreams. What started off as your typical porn dream with 4 cute guys going at it like rabbits suddenly turns to a scene where two women are being skinned alive by doctors. Now what kind of perverted mind do I have that I am able to dream this kind of stuff? Why in the hell did it go from horny-happy to sadistic-horror? Yes, only in the twisted psyche of moi can you get this.

Dreams are supposed to be manifestations of your repressed feelings and experiences. So what are my dreams telling me?

The floor is now open for interpretation.

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:12 PM]

Wow, this post is a really trimmed down and edited version of the original draft, isn't it? Knowing you, you probably planned on describing unspeakable sexual acts.

Interpretations? That's hard (misinterpretations welcome)...

We are going to need more information about important details. Like, was this a wet dream? And if it was, how did you wash the stains off the sheets? Or does it bother you at all?

[Blogger d1noli @ 4:02 AM]

Yeah. I did trim it up a bit, didn't I? I just felt that going into detail would be pointless. After all, who wants to hear the details about a porno that turns sadistic?

And the answer is no, it wasn't a wet dream. Isn't it true that one cannot get wet dreams if they get some [pootie-tang] regularly? I know I hadn't had one ever since marriage.

As far as the stains on the sheets. Well, I'm guilty as charged. They are pretty stained...WITH BLOOD. GwahahahahahaH!

[Blogger Cocooned @ 8:34 PM]

Yes, really weird dream... let me ask some questions about it:
1) You described the guys as "cute" but you didn't describe the women. Do you remember details about them?
2) Why FOUR guys???
3) Were the doctors the same as the guys in the first scene?
4) Did you feel that you knew any of these characters in your dream?

My interpretation for now: you're into S&M.

Maybe Chris, our resident Pscyho major, can offer a better reading....

[Blogger d1noli @ 9:11 PM]


1) The women were beautiful. Model-like. Big boobs. Blonde long hair.
2) I don't know why 4 guys. I don't have any control of my dreams. It did make for a good orgy though.
3) No, the doctors we're different. They were clearly older men. Also, they didn't look evil or anything. They looked like normal doctors and while they were skinning these women they were acting like it was some ordinary operation. No one was acting like a demented person.
4) Did not know the people at all. Although I wouldn't have minded knowing the guys.

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Valentine's Day '03

[d1noli @ Tuesday, July 27, 2004]

On this day
when hearts aflutter
in tender anticipation
of the intimacies to come

I lose myself
in deepest of thoughts
wondering where paths
would have brought me

Had I not met you

My destiny
unequivocally altered
under the loving bask
of your sweetest presence

Thus by choice
this heart stays true
to the natural communion
our lives have built to exist

Together unending

Quitting Time

[d1noli @ Tuesday, July 27, 2004]

I wrote this on 10/09/02 and thought I would share with everyone...

Quitting Time

Like the clicking of keys,
my heart beats in anticipation
for our next meeting together.

I take a moment's pause
from this long papertrail hike
and fill my thoughts of you.

Underneath florescent skies,
beyond this computer-glare sunset,
I patiently wait for your call.

It marks my journey's end
from this mountain climb of work
so I can head back home.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 6:37 AM]

I like the imagery of the papertrail hike, fluorescent skies, and computer-glare sunsets. The artificiality of an office environment contrasts greatly with the natural environment, where a real hike is done in the mountains, perhaps under clear blue skies, and at the summit, a chance to witness breathtaking sunsets.

Good poem!

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Sunday, July 25, 2004

TV shows

[Cocooned @ Sunday, July 25, 2004]

I just found out that The Amazing Race 5 is on!!!  Unfortunately they put it on a bad time slot at CBS: Tue 10 PM.  Who on earth stays up that late?????  Good thing I still remember how to program the VCR. 
Have you heard of the comedy Arrested Development?  That show's hilarious!!!  One of the best I've seen in a while, and it's one of the three shows I record.  The third one, by the way, is Star Trek Enterprise.  I heard they gave the crew one more season, but were told this would be the last. 

[Blogger d1noli @ 9:07 PM]

They do re-runs on Saturday at 7 pm Ken. At least they do over here. We caught the episode last night after coming home from a game of frizbee golf. Any of you ever play that? Last night was my second time and I do believe I am liking the sport.

Anyways, after that we went and watched The Rundown which we had rented from Blockbuster. The movie was like one long music video. It would defenitely appeal to those who have ADD. I, on the other hand, fell asleep watching it. That's bad considering it had sean william scott shirtless (oh and ernie reyes jr. too!).

Only seen Arrested Development once or twice. I do agree it's original but a little too quirky for me. If I want quirky I watch Six Feet Under. Star Trek Enterprise is a joke. I tried to become a fan early on but the appeal quickly died on me.

Oh, I just realized there is a show I try to catch regularly --- DIGIMON! I am so addicted to that cartoon show. It's become my new fave since Sailor Moon.

Has anyone ever considered getting TiVo? Mark says that's what he wants for Christmas. I personally don't think we'll use it enough. I'm also sure he'll want to add-on the extra monthly charge that will give it the ability to tape the same or similar shows for you.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 6:52 AM]

I tried watching Digimon, Pokemon, and all those kiddy Anime. They just didn't work their magic on me. Sailor Moon, my goodness, you admit to watching that?????

Run Lola Run also reminds me of a long MTV. I actually liked that movie. The actress there starred in another movie (Der Krieger und die Kaiserin - The Princess and the Warrior) which I didn't quite like - too weird. Then I saw her again in Bourne Identity.

Anyway, back to TV shows, I know someone here who has TiVo. I can't really talk to him about gadgets (or any topic for that matter) because once I get him started he doesn't stop talking, so even though I'm so curious to find out how TiVo works, I don't dare ask. What I know about it is that it's just like a VCR, except it has a hard disk. It records what you watch automatically, so you can pause and rewind anytime. Then, with a subscription service of some sort, it can download the TV guide and record any particular show for you (e.g. The Simpsons). Etc. I'm sure I will love this technology, except the subscription part. I'm too cheap for that. Heck, we pay for Basic Cable service only, and even the $10/month I consider too much!

BTW, we don't get HBO, so we can't watch The Sopranos, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, etc. My roommate rented the first and second season of The Sopranos though, and now she's hooked!

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:46 AM]

I dunno. I guess I'm a sucker for cartoons that show a transformation of some sort. Both Digimon and Sailor Moon showcase that. The underdog who gets to win because the goodness of his/her heart manifesting in some amazing power.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:25 AM]

Since someone brought up German films, anyone see Goodbye, Lenin? It's an amazingly funny film.

Back to TV, my favorite shows right now are Six Feet Under (though we get it late here), and a host of Discovery Channel programs! In Discovery Travel, they have this Aussie show called Surfing the Menu. Google it sometime and you will see what I like about it!

I also watch some hugely stupid stuff like Dinotopia. Oh, and there's this kid's show called Blue's Clues. It's about a dog named Blue. Guess why?

24 is almost over. Yeah we get it late here too.

I've just finished watching six seasons of Buffy on DVD. Also hooked on Farscape.

I'm trying to find DVDs of Fushigi Yugi. Curious Play in some stupid English translation. It's a bit funny, although really crappy just like other anime such as Sailor Moon and Ranma 1/2 (yes, I lump those two in the same category!).

Do any of you watch Big Brother? Yet another reality TV show.

Any of you remember the TV mini-series called V? Does anyone remember how that thing ends?

[Blogger Cocooned @ 7:10 AM]

How dare you lump Ranma and Sailor Moon in the same category!!! Speaking of Ranma, have you seen any Hongkongized version of their collector DVDs, dubbed in English??

I watched V when I was young, and I think I saw the last few episodes. Good aliens came and tried to force their moral superiority on the bad aliens, but the bad ones didn't like it and ended up killing the good ones. The good ones then collaborated with the humans, and the result of that was a biological weapon that killed only V lifeforms. But the good ones were given a vaccine. When the bad ones were wiped out, the good ones apologized to humanity, then went back home. Something like that.

I'm surprised I don't see V reruns here. I'll ask the Americans tomorrow if they've heard of the show. Maybe it was only popular in the Philippines. Like Picket Fences.

To date, I've never seen an episode of 24, and I don't even know what it's about. It's popular in Germany for some reason.

Big Brother is on right now. I don't get that show, but apparently it's more popular than TAR 5 because it's on a better time slot (9-10PM vs 10-11PM for TAR). I think TAR is the only "reality" show that I watch. I enjoy it because I could potentially find myself in situations they get into, and I like to travel. I wish I could be a contestant in that show!

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:36 AM]

Russ, haven't seen Goodbye, Lenin so I will take your word on it being funny.

Six Feet Under is so quirky isn't it? I find the characters so dimensional. I watch Discovery from time to time but mostly becuase I get to see it in hi-def. I googled the Surfing the Menu show and didn't see any reason to watch it. (Interestingly enough when looking up the bios of the hosts, they remain very neutral about their description as if they want to appeal to all sexes.)

I'm a big Simpsons fan whenever I catch it. I also like Family Guy and Futurama. Oh and there's Dilbert to which I can relate. Have you guys heard about this reality show called Family Business? Definitely check that out.

At one point I was wanting to buy Fuushigi Yugi (the 3 box sets!) but ran out of money. I did secure the entire Magic Knight Rayearth Series as well as Blue Seed, Devil Hunter Yohko, Shaman Princess and Street Fighter II: The Animated Series. If I didn't have to pay for this damn house and had more space I'd probably collect more of this stuff.

I do not like Big Brother at all. Mark has been watching Last Comic Standing and I've been catching some of that. All-in-all I think that reality TV in the normal networks are more dramatic than edgy. I like watching the ones in the premium channels.

They had a V marathon on the Sci-Fi channel a couple of months back. I actually watched about 60% of it. I don't think there was ever an end was there? It was cancelled mid-season.

[Blogger CBS @ 5:52 PM]

Now we are talking about my favorite subject, TV! Here are some shows I love:

The Amazing Race 5

I just love Mirna and Charla! I know people who just hate them. I don't! I hope they are in the final 3 teams who get to go to where else? The Philippines! They get to go to Coconut Palace (Roxas Blvd) and Palawan (buti pa sila!). And guess who will greet them when they step on the mat with Phil? Sirit??? Talaga, di ninyo kaya? Si Luli Arroyo, the first daughter! Hardiharhar! Serious, siya nga!

Anyway, I hope my fave teams make it! I hate the brothers, colin and christie, and the Christian couple who won't drink Vodka but will not be true to their alliances! =)

The rules are kinda weird now. Having only two fast forwards. Having a yield. Getting all the money of the last teams in a non-elimination leg and not giving them new fund is kinda nice! =) Anyway, I just love it that they did not include any alpha-males in the teams. They always win in the end!

I just hope that they have an All-Star Amazing Race! Let's do a mini-poll. Which teams would you like to see compete for the $1 million again? Mine would be: the clowns, team cha-cha, the oh brothers, the models, team guido.

Six Feet Under

I have been delinquent in watching this series for some time, but I did get to watch the season ender last week. The one where the wife of nate goes missing and is revealed to have died. The episode gets the viewers into thinking that she could have been murdered by the mass murderer that was buried in the Fisher and partner funeral home. I just love the morbidity of this series.

The Appprentice

I have been watching old episodes of this Donald Trump-Mark Burnett reality show which tests the contestants business sense. The "sole survivor" will get to work with Trump. So, I guess, you figured out that this show is pretty much like Survivor, except that the setting is not in some remote island, but the dog-eat-dog world of the

I have been meaning to watch Enterprise, Smallville, Angel, and Chamrmed, but I am not consistent. I just learned in the last episode of Angel that Cordelia is not really Cordelia and the child she was supposed to be having with Conner is not really a child, but a major demon (the source?). Anyway, go figure!

More TV shows to follow! =)

[Blogger d1noli @ 11:07 AM]

Chris!!!!!!! Myrna and Charla did not make it!!!!

[Blogger CBS @ 10:28 AM]

Yeah! I was terribly sad that they had to go! Especially because the next two legs were non-elimination. It was obvious that even Phil was teary-eyed when they had to leave!

I really hope that evil Colin and Christie do not make it to the Philippines! Now, I'm rooting for Chip and Kim or the bowling moms! Pwede na rin siguro yung twins and the Christians. But not Colin and Christie PULEEEEZ! =)

[Blogger Cocooned @ 1:49 AM]

Yehey!!!!!! My bets won TAR5!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very happy they chose to highlight the jeepney as an icon of Philippine culture. It's great too that they went to El Nido as well to showcase to the world the beauty of our islands. Now the people around me want to visit Palawan!

We need a show like this in Southeast Asia. Even if the travelling is only within the ASEAN region.

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Friday, July 23, 2004

And so the drama continues....

[d1noli @ Friday, July 23, 2004]


Where to begin.  The day has just gone from bad to worse.  Not only did I end up leaving at work late (I just got back and it's almost 8pm) but I was greeted with the most wonderful of emails.  Turns out that one of the positions I was applying for (and hoping to be my ticket out of Miseryville) has just become a dead end.  This was after the fact that I was told by the Hiring Manager that my qualifications were exactly what she was looking for.

I really wish they hadn't kept my hopes up.  Now I'm really depressed.  GEEEZ.

So here's the rejection letter I got...

Oliver,Thank you for your interest in the Communication Development Consultant position at Sears Roebuck and Co. The Hiring Manager has carefully reviewed your credentials. At this time, your background and experience does not meet our current needs. Best wishes, Recruitment and Staffing SEARS

Quitting sure does look more and more appealing.

[Blogger CBS @ 3:10 PM]

Don't worry about it, Oli! One way to read the situation is that they are not yet ready for you! =)

[Blogger d1noli @ 2:01 AM]

thanks for the kind words both of you. talking about it really does help out. i'm glad we have this blog now.

i applied for a regional training manager job last night. let's see where that goes. keep you posted!

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:25 PM]

It's nice to know that they actually took the time to write you an email. Oh, I'm sure it's a generic email, but that's still better to most of the companies over here.

Back when I was looking for a job, I had companies just disappear from the map after my first interview. I don't think I stunk that much!The worst was when I was supposed to go for an interview, then it got cancelled because the interviewer was stuck in a meeting. Then they never got in touch with me again. I guess courtesy is just not in the culture.

In any case, Oliver, at least you still have your present job right now as a safety net.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:49 PM]

Whatever happened to that HR job lead I sent you? Did the recruiter get in touch with you?

Tell us again, what aspect of your job makes it sooo intolerable that you want to quit? Is it the long hours? Is it the pressure to meet deadlines or quotas? Is it the secretary? Is it the boss? The commute? Discrimination? The constant threat of one day being led to the slaughter? (this last one is what made you leave the farm, I heard...)

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:34 PM]

ken, they never called me back. so i guess they weren't interested.

what do i hate about my job right now? the long hours and the lack of respect. lately, everything i seem to do is wrong so i end up spending more time fixing stuff to make people happy rather than doing my real job. and you know what sucks about it? i AIN'T doing anything wrong. they're just picking on me becuase they're the ones messing up so they want me to look bad too. crab mentality galore.

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:37 PM]

actually russ, i think there are a lot of those people here too. i have a friend that got laid off then when he went to apply for a job he ecountered the same exact thing. people who would interview then not call him back. people who would cancel then never reschedule. it's messed up i tell ya.

you know the bad thing about it is? i know why it happens. people are just so damn busy these days that you tend be that way when hiring. i am ashamed to admit it but i was the same way when i was hiring people for my department. it's not that i wanted to be rude but rather i never just had the time.

some HR person i am huh?

[Blogger d1noli @ 5:37 AM]

Got word back on that regional trainer job. Didn't get it either. FUDGE!

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Grafitti is grafitti, in any language

[rgucci @ Friday, July 23, 2004]

I have no idea what it means.
Grafitti is grafitti, in any language.
Originally uploaded by rgucci.

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:43 AM]

yeah but it sure does look pretty. all in the beholder i guess.

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:22 PM]

Someone just pointed out to me that it's actually a short poem. Still have no idea what it means!

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:39 PM]

Ang galing naman ng graffiti na yan. Magaya nga yan dito. Kaso ang alam ko lang isulat in Chinese is "My name is Kenneth See."

[Blogger Cocooned @ 10:04 PM]

How do you upload an image file without having to download a program? It's verboten for us to install anything on our work computer.

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:42 PM]


[Blogger d1noli @ 10:43 PM]

oh btw, i know how to write my name in snow. i'll let you all imagine what medium i use. =)

is that considered grafitti or art?

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:39 AM]

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:40 AM]

That's neither graffiti nor art. That's just plain nasty. Someone is bound to make a snowball out of all that bio-contaminated snow and hit someone else whose mouth is open.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:41 AM]

You can't actually upload images directly to the blog. You can, however, link to anywhere else. So get a free photo hosting site. Some are even directly integrated into blogger. See www.flickr.com for an example. Or click on the picture in this post.

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Kenneth, where art thou?

[rgucci @ Friday, July 23, 2004]

Three down and one to go.

Kenneth, get your wannabe German ass here. I want a ksee in the list of contributors. I dunno if it's just me, but have you guys realized how cool our IDs are?


I mean, no lamers like neo or brad or God forbid, kylie.

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:44 AM]

we've always been cool. or maybe i should say you three have been. after all, i was never invited to be part of that damn story-telling exercise you all did.

[Blogger rgucci @ 9:41 AM]

Now, now. Still bitter about that?

[Blogger d1noli @ 2:02 AM]

bitter is for melons. i am just vengeful (to quote my ever-loving spouse who has to put up with me 24-7).

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:21 PM]

Well, ksee is here!!!!

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:39 PM]

finally. and i thought russ was the late one.

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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Work Sucks

[d1noli @ Thursday, July 22, 2004]

Okay.  Might as well get the ball rolling here with my random thought for the day...

I was driving with Mark to work and during the whole time I was deep in thought.   That's a bad thing for me since 1) I don't like to think and 2) I don't usually have anything to think about that early in the morning (other than porn of course). 

Today, my thoughts centered around work and how badly I was wanting to quit.  I know.  I know.  You hear me complain about work about every other second you spare me, but recently my feelings about the job have been so bad that I am seriously considering quitting no matter what the consequences are.

For a guy who demands structure in his life, wanting to quit with no plan at all is tantamount to heresy.  It's that bad.  I sound like a whiner but it REALLY is that bad.

We just got through another round of layoffs so morale is at an all time low everywhere.  And that's not the end of it either.  Here recently, we have been forced to attend weekly meetings that focuses on our structure and how we can better streamline processes (translation: we're determining how we can get rid of our organization).  I feel like a pig planning out his slaughter with the butcher.


I'm beginning to think that I'm not meant for corporate America.  The problem is, what am I meant for then?  If I can't be happy in the field I thought I would be happy at then what's the point of wanting to go to another field?  Wouldn't I just be making another mistake?  Dancing the dance as someone once quoted to me.

So here I am back to thinking about all this.  And frankly, I have a splitting headache.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:56 AM]

Yes I can definitely understand what you're feeling. Work is really hard here too, although I won't dare rant about the details here.

Despite all the great predictions about the HK economy, finding a job is still hard for most people. I'm damn lucky to have one right now. And quite frankly, there are a few local people I've met who think that I'm stealing their opportunities. TO HELL WITH THAT. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head, and I sure didn't sleep with anyone to get hired (well maybe for fun, but not for a job...). It's definitely not because I'm cheaper to hire because I cost a damn lot more.

So we're left with one reason-- and sorry to those few local losers who do nothing but whine:


[Blogger CBS @ 3:24 PM]

I guess my rant for the day belongs to this topic: Work Sucks!

Anyway, this Friday, I will be receiving a plaque of appreciation for my five years of service to the company. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), I will be in Bicol doing work next week so I will not be able to attend the ceremony which I heard was "formal." This means that I will have to wear barong if I attend the event.

It also means that I will not be able to join the choir for the special event. Oh, they have been incessantly asking me to join the choir for the special number but I simply do not have time because of the preparation for the field next week. (I was pretty active in the choir some years back). Last night, as I was leaving for home, i can still hear them practicing! Talagang ki-nareer nila! Hehe!

Anyway, this just got me to thinking that I have been in this job for what...about eight years already. I really feel burnt out at times, but the inertia just keeps me going...and going...ang going...

I am not yet sure if this is good or bad, but for now, I'm just acknowledging it.

Good thing my studies keeps me focused on some other thing aside from work. I think this contributes to the retention of my sanity.

I still try to write during my leisure time, but more often than not, I'd rather read. When I don't feel like reading, I'd rather just watch DVD's (the last bunch of which was Secretray, The House of Sand and Fog, Swimming Pool and 21 Grams--I recommend them all!). If I don't feel like watching dvds I'd rather watch TV (there's always queer eye, TAR5, csi, etc., etc.). Otherwise, I just surf and sleep. Lately, badminton has been a sport of choice (although two na ako hindi nakakalaro).

I think I still like the field I am in (Psych and Research). But creative writing has always been with me like for the longest time. Hopefully, I get to allot more time to developing it.

And then there's always a career for me as a wedding singer. Hehe.

[Blogger d1noli @ 2:22 AM]

Russ, there are some dances that one is not meant to dance. After all, why would one want to dance a dance that makes one look like a fool?

Chris, congrats on your five/eight years. I've been with this company for 7 years now and I know I'm very burnt out about corporate america. It's not inertia that keeps me going but rather the need to stay out of debt. That is the one thing I refuse to be conquered by. I will not be part of the american majority who live life in constant debt.

While studies serve as your grounding, for me it is obviously Mark. Were he not part of my life, I would be an empty husk of a man. I feel totally complete because of his presence.

I've seen Secretary (weird but good) and Swimming Pool (weird and good). Haven't seen the House of Sand and Fog nor 21 Grams. Just recently saw this campy movie called Die Mommie Die. Absolutely recommend this. I think we are going to see either The Bourne Supremacy or Catwoman tonight. Actually, there's also some indie flick called Napoleon Dynamite that we're interested in.

I don't watch too much TV except to watch the high defenition channels that we pay an arm and a leg for. Even charmed has lost it's appeal. Still have years of videogames I've got to finish in place of being a TV potato though.

Oh, speaking of sports, we bought a basketball last weekend and shot some hoops. We must have been a sight. Imagine two elephants playing a game of around the world.

Finally as far as being a wedding singer. Lot's of potential in that business. Specially if you stick to 80's covers. =)

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:28 PM]

Nice to know you guys found what grounds each of you [grammtically awkward?].

As for me, I've yet to find my center, I've yet to find my bliss.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:38 PM]

Work sucks, kaya babalik na lang ako sa iskol! (Tinagalog for encryption, hehe). Sa January, maglilimang taon na ako sa kumpanya. May pension plan ekek pa naman kami na magiging eligible ako after my fifth year anniversary. Incentive kuno to stay, pero hindi ako masisilaw niyan. Some employees endure the drudgery of going to the same job day in and day out for DECADES, thinking they're gonna have a big retirement package waiting for them, only to see it wiped out by corporate scandals, hostile takeovers, or simply, changes to the pension plan. Besides, makakakuha lang ako ng pera from the pension plan at age 55 yata. Di bale na lang. Every minute of my youth counts. Actually, every minute of my life counts, period. Pero kung ilipat ako ng kumpanya ko sa Germany, I'll forget school for now! (oo, magpapasilaw ako in this case!). University education is not my primary motivation to move. It's the life education I'll get living my life immersed in another culture.

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:46 PM]

russ i think you're taking active means in finding your center right now. my own personal opinion, however, is that for you, the process of searching is your ground.

maybe i'm just over analyzing this whole thing.

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:49 PM]

folks whatever happened to the concept of work being a means to dignify one's self? i sooo believed that concept when it was taught to us in college. now all we hear from each other is how work is actually doing quite the opposite.

bad bad bad cycle we live in. how to transcend. how to seek balance in all aspects. questions. questions.

[Blogger CBS @ 5:36 PM]

After being in the workforce for some time now, I have come to the conclusion that Filipinos (mainly) are working as a means to an end, and not treating work as an end to itself. That is why we see lots of Filipinos going abroad (hint*hint) to earn mucho dinero and go back to their homeland after years of much toil...burnt out but richer. =P

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Wow, an online logbook!

[CBS @ Thursday, July 22, 2004]

Wow,  an online logbook! Kewl! Keep the updates coming!

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:26 PM]

what about updates about yourself ol' cbs. i bet rgucci thinks you're hot as well.

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:27 PM]

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:49 AM]

Removed a comment? And what obscenities were they, we all wonder?

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:45 AM]

nah just typed the message twice. didn't realize that it takes a couple minutes before posts show up.

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Thank You For The Invite

[d1noli @ Thursday, July 22, 2004]

I'd like to thank the academy for this distinguished honor....

Is it better to comment this way? Or not a comment, more of a reaction. Like it's part of the post. I wonder if the author's name will change when I post this?

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:37 AM]

I can be nice when it doesn't cost me a thing! A post within a five minutes. Wow I never knew you were that eager!

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:56 PM]

Can everyone with a blogger.com account see our posts???

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In the beginning was the word...

[rgucci @ Thursday, July 22, 2004]

I just realized how lame it was to start with a test message.

So it starts here, and hopefully ends somewhere far away.

Kudos to us.

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:30 AM]

Commenting as myself!

[Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:31 AM]

You are really hot!!!

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:25 PM]

okay. a little too much on the self appreciation there rgucci. you think you're hot? what are you --- a flamer?

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:06 AM]

A little self-appreciation doesn't hurt!

[Blogger d1noli @ 8:41 AM]

a little self-appreciation as Anonymous? yeah right.

[Blogger rgucci @ 9:44 AM]

Hey, I was just test-driving all the features of this blog!

[Blogger d1noli @ 1:58 AM]

yeah right mr. anonymous. testing the features of this blog indeed. you can fool some of the people some of the time but a pig is not a person so you can't fool it. =P

[Blogger Cocooned @ 9:54 PM]

Let me try to learn the features of this blog spot one at a time. How do you italicize or boldface a word?

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:41 PM]

looks like you just did it kenio.

[Blogger d1noli @ 9:15 PM]

okay. how in the hell were you able to boldface and italicize? i just realized i don't have that option when placing a comment!

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:34 AM]

<b>This is bold<b><b>This is italicized<b>

[Blogger d1noli @ 7:25 AM]

okay! i got it.

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