Monday, August 30, 2004

Yippee-Kay-Yay Motherf@*ker!

[d1noli @ Monday, August 30, 2004]

Windy City Rodeo 2004

(Okay. I know the title is a line from Die Hard and as nothing to do with being in a rodeo but, heck, I wanted to use it anyways! It just seemed sooooo appropriate for this week's entry! Heh!)

So, what have I learned from going to my first (gay) rodeo ever? Well, for starters, be prepared for a lot of mud and flies. Oh, and get used to the stench of horse crap. Yes, I know what you're thinking. The pictures don't show it. But then again, PICTURES LIE! =)

It wasn't all that bad though. I did manage to have fun at the event. And to think, all it took was four beers! I did, however, have to chug them really fast so I could feel the full effects. After that, everything was good. I could have been wallowing waist-deep in the mud by then and still be happy.

Oh, speaking of mud, be sure not to wear your designer threads when you head on over to one of these things. I made the mistake of wearing my trendy faded jeans and fine Prada knock-off shoes. Needless to say, it'll take more than a little to soap and water to clean my stuff. Ugh!

Now, as much as I whine about this whole thing, the gay rodeo was actually quite an experience. It's so amazing to see how diverse the gay culture really is amidst the pervasive stereotype that exists in mainstream thought. There are those who love to box this culture in, saying that gay people are nothing but a bunch of sissy hairdressers. Yes, I know the image is a little extreme these days, but I still know individuals who actually think that. (What's more tragic is the fact that some of them are my own relatives.) Well, this event just goes to show you that they're wrong. There are gay people in every walk of life just as there are for any other group --- straight or otherwise.

This rodeo proved to be more than just a fun time for me. It served the more important role of reaffirming my individuality. Too often I get lost in the everyday noise of life, even more so because I am a minority in a foreign land. Conforming becomes second nature becuase all I want to do is to fit in. No, that's not quite right. The reality is that I make myself believe that I want to fit in. But how do you fit the cowboy into an environment he is not from? It's like trying to fit a 300 lb man in size 32 jeans.

The plain fact of it all is that this will never be. Why you ask? Well, simply because it is never meant to be. Sure, one will have to adapt to the environment he/she is placed in, but this in no way means that they will ever blend in. There will always exist a "mis-fit". Yet, it is precisely in these differences that one gains true strength and identity. That is what I came to realize as I watched all these "misfits" at the gay rodeo that Saturday.

As the day wore on, my awe for these cowboys and cowgirls grew. Whether they knew it or not, they had overcome adversity to stand out, to be an individual amidst the status quo. Each event lay testament to this. From the calf wrangling contest to the line dancing, here were individuals that took pride on who they are. No mud, no flies and no horse crap was going to stop them from having a good time. And that takes true courage.

So I guess it's time for me to buy myself a pair of cowboy boots and a ten-gallon hat.

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:49 AM]

Just curious, but you guys did click on the link to show the pics from the event right?

[Blogger rgucci @ 11:41 PM]

Yep, and here is my picture commentary!

Who took them? Does he/she have an ass fetish? Normally, one takes pictures of people's front side! Ass shot.
Yet another ass shotDancing assesAss with a green shirtAnother ass shot. At least he bull had the modesty to turn away his derrier!Girlie assI am in a polite mood so I will not say anything about the figurative asses.


[Blogger d1noli @ 2:42 AM]

Innocent here! The picture taking was done by other people. Besides, why would I want to take pictures of people's butts anyways? He he he!

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Friday, August 27, 2004

It takes four sides to make a square.

[rgucci @ Friday, August 27, 2004]

Where's everyone else? Not to complain, but I would like to have more variety, more than Oli's wild and drunken sprees dressed in nothing but a yard of fabric. That was metaphorical, of course. We all know it takes more than a yard. Somehow, the image of theater curtains comes to mind...

Chris, how's the studying going? This is usually the part where I make jokes about post-grad education being useless as a nun's titties, but I will be nice and move on. Good luck for September!

Ken, how is the trans-atlantic migration coming along? Have you hexed your previous (or is it still current?) boss yet? Are they going to be shipping you over in a cardboard box? Or a crate?

How's everyone else coming along?

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:33 AM]

Hey! I'm domesticated thank you very much. Wild and drunken indeed. I'll have you know that I've given up my slutty ways for a more holistic lifestyle. Yes, I may party once in a while but who doesn't?

Speaking of theatre curtains, you all need to come visit and see the movie room.

Anyways, I do agree with Russ. We opened this blog to be able to see four different perspectives of life. The beauty of us being friends is that we have a connection yet are distinctly different. (That's why I wanted to call the blog "Four Corners" to begin with since we are all in different places and points in our lives yet we are all connected by our bonds of friendship and fraternity.) It becomes pointless if only two people want place effort on this thing. Why have it at all then?

May I also point out that we cannot continue to see naked pics of our dear exhibitionist friend Russ.

On a different tangent, someone else read this blog and commented! Cool.

[Blogger rgucci @ 1:50 PM]

Yay! Our first fan!

[Blogger Cocooned @ 11:01 PM]

Sorry for the brief hiatus. It got ugly at work and had to sort things out. It got so bad I thought I was going to get fired on Aug 16 (my birthday which the two of you forgot to acknowledge btw!!!) but I ended up keeping my job until October 1, 2004. They want me out of the office by that date, whether or not I get my student visa for Germany.

Anyway, all the ugliness is history and do not wish to resurrect it. Looking ahead, I still have tons of stuff to do. i made a list and wrote it on my white board. Needless to say, the white board didn't have enough space! I didn't realize moving, particularly transcontinental ones, is sooo back-breakingly difficult! When I moved to the U.S., I had only two suitcases with me. As I prepare to move out, I am discovering that I will need at least four suitcases. But besides packing for the trip, I have to dispose of my car, unregister it and tell the city government so I won't get taxed on it anymore, get my place repainted and spruced up, find a roommate for my roommate, prepare for the filing of my taxes, empty out my basement, hunt for cheap airfares, prepare for the renewal of my U.S. papers, get my German visa, etc etc. And these are multi-step processes that require a lot of time and patience. I am surprised I haven't collapsed under the weight of all these burdens. Though I am getting earthly help, I'm sure I'm also getting some divine assistance.

So, where's the fourth side of this square????? What's his excuse????? The pursuit of higher education is overrated! (haha)

[Blogger rgucci @ 10:51 PM]

You write To Do lists on a whiteboard when you have a kick-ass Treo 600?

[Blogger Cocooned @ 1:59 AM]

I write it on the whiteboard so that my roommate can whip me if I'm not making any progress. From time to time, I actually find myself writing To Do lists on paper. There's a certain "magic" to handwriting that typing on the keyboard doesn't have. Maybe it's because I write slowly, and because of the effort involved in the task, it feels like I mean it more if I handwrite it. But then if I take the time to write things down, by hand or by computer, I still mean it. Hmm, does that make sense?

BTW, an upgrade to the Treo 600 is coming out soon! I saw a picture of it in and it still kinda looks like my Treo 600. I'm waiting for one that has a bigger screen and without the keyboard. I prefer the regular cell phone number pad actually. And I'd like Graffiti writing back, for the reason I mentioned above.

[Blogger d1noli @ 9:45 AM]

ohhh you have someone whip you huh? guess it's not only russ who's into s&m

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears

[d1noli @ Tuesday, August 24, 2004]

I went to my very first ever toga party last Friday night. Why someone would want to wear such a thing to a party simply eludes me. Heck, but I did it anyways. Still, togas are not my thing (so unflattering to the legs!). Just goes to show you why I don't like attending Halloween costume parties.

For me, the concept of dressing up to have fun is contradictory. I'm the type of guy who doesn't want to take any effort when going to parties. If I have to dress-up and look all pretty for these kind of things then it just ain't for me. My type of get-togethers are the ones where I can come as am, no pretensions. I'll dress up if I want to and not becuase I have to.

Still, it was interesting to see all these people in their togas. Contrary to what people may think of me, I was not one of those who choose have to no clothes beneath their togas. There were a couple of people who did though and boy, did they have no problem letting everything hang out.

Anyways, the whole point of the party was to consume the massive amounts of alcohol the host had accumulated over the years. His icebox in the basement had finally bowed out due to the sheer number of bottles it was trying to keep cool. Thus, being left one refer short, our host had no option but to liquidate the liquid. And what better way to do that than share it with friends (or a bunch of alcoholics --- take your pick). Sadly, I could only down four drinks before I gave up and paid my respects to the Toilet God.

Saturday ended up being a day of recuperation for me. I wanted to watch this Japanese horror film called Ju-on (from the makers of Ringu) but quickly remembered my stomach queasiness from the night before. Feeling sick two days in a row would not be my idea of fun therefore I opted to see it another time. In it's place, I filled my time up with the tried and true time-eating pastime of videogames.

I had just finished Xenosaga: Part 1 the week before (and what an emotional philosophical rollercoaster of a game that was!). Now, I've my sights set on Disgaea. So far, I've pumped 30+ hours into the game. (Did I also fail to mention that I took Thursday off just to play this?) Strategy RPG's can be so terribly addicting.

Next up on the confessions of this middle-aged drama queen --- The Illinois Gay Rodeo. Keep y'all posted...

[Blogger rgucci @ 9:01 PM]

This piques my curiosity quite a bit. Just how long were the togas for some people to be able to just
let "everything hang out"?

And where did you get your toga? Did you buy one? Rent one? If you rented it, did you sanitize it before wearing it? Or do you have one just hanging in your closet, ready for such an occasion?

And of course you make yourself pretty for other people! Why would you make yourself pretty for yourself? Either you're totally into yourself that you don't think you need to, or you're totally self-deprecating that you don't think it will do any good!

[Blogger d1noli @ 10:37 PM]

Well, people like myself wore the long togas that covered everything. Others wore the short ones and when they sat down you could see everything. Also, the fabric I used was layered so it covered everything personal. Others, however, wore togas that were of a very sheer fabric so you could see anything you wanted.

The toga I had was a just 5 yards of fabric I bought for $5. I wrapped it around myself and tied it with a belt I that had a weaving pattern (thus making it look kinda like rope). Matched it with sandals and the host had laurels he made from greenery in his back yard. There you go --- instant toga.

I know we have to look pretty for others but heck, if they don't like me when I look normal then why should I make the effort?

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:07 PM]

So did you also have orgies ala Greco-Roman style? Was this a mixed party?

[Blogger d1noli @ 7:59 PM]

Yes it was a mixed party. What? You think I'm a small-minded fascist and only mingle with my own breed? (Uh-oh. I think I opened myself up to ridicule by using the word breed.)

As far as orgies, we know that only Russ partakes in those kind of hendonistic pleasures. I'd rather be watching porn anyday. Real orgies are so... uh ...messy. Oh, and unsanitary. Let's not forget that cleanliness is next to godliness.

Onto a different subject. Finally got to watch Ju-on last night. Had to drive all the way to the frickin' city to catch it after work since yesterday was the last day.

The movie was kind of a let-down. It was defenitely not Ringu or The Eye . Sure it had it's scary moments and I appreciate the fact that Asian horror focuses more on atmosphere rather than the westernized technique of cheap scares but would it be too much to ask for a plot? You guys need to watch it then let me know your opinion.

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:03 PM]

Just to set the record straight about orgies-- they are not all messy and unsanitary. There are such things as showers. And non-sticky, oil-free, water-based lubricants! Or so I hear.

And that bit about choosing porn over a real orgy? Hey, who says you can't have it both ways? You can watch porn during an orgy! Or film the orgy and sell your own porn! See the possibilities are endless...

[Blogger Cocooned @ 10:20 PM]

Since I cannot contribute to the discussion about toga parties and orgies for lack of experience (my press release as of this time), I'll just comment on the movie Ju-on.

I bought the DVD with Chris when I was home in February. It was okay but didn't feel complete. I liked The Ring much better. I haven't seen the Japanese version yet, but I heard it's even better than the English one. I've also seen The Eye -- that one I liked. Speaking of asian movies, Hero is finally showing here! Critics are raving about it. There are so many good movies that are not made in Hollywood that the American audience is missing out on. It's sad, but to each his own.

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Monday, August 16, 2004

Confessions of a Middle-age Drama Queen

[d1noli @ Monday, August 16, 2004]

So I got to watch the Lindsey Lohan movie, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, this weekend amidst my vehement disdain to do so. (Mark's idea. Not mine.) The story centers on Lindsey's character who desperately seeks to be extraordinary amidst seemingly ordinary circumstances. The movie, while extremely cheesy at best, did spark many of my thoughts this weekend.

As much as I hate to admit it, I am just like the teenage drama queen in that movie. I, too, want to be extraordinary in some way. Watching the Olympics this weekend only heightened that emotion ten-fold. When I see someone like Michael Phelps win a gold medal at the age of 19, I can't not help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Why can't I be like that and why in the bloody hell am I not doing something about it? Why do I exist in the mediocre rather than be deemed for greatness? Here I am, a 30 year old nobody whose done nothing to mark his exsistence in the world. What a depressing thought!

It's an awful feeling. There is an emptiness inside of you that doesn't seem to go away, a dull numbness that persists. I wonder what it will take to fill that void? Should I even pursue that means or am I destined to fail? Kenneth seems to be headed the right way by choosing to leave his life here and move to Germany. Not a choice I would make personally but it will still fill up his own personal void if I understand his motivations correctly.

Or maybe I have been extraordinary and don't know it? In the movie, the drama queen realizes that being extraordinary does not require one to do extraordinary things but rather to live life the best way you know how. It was only when she grasped this concept that she found true fulfillment. Maybe my own void is filled by living a good life with my significant other, by dealing with the challanges we face as a (bi-racial) couple. That is, after all, no small effort.

We went and watched a very good indie film last Saturday called Touch of Pink. Not only was it funny and higly recommended but it does show the strains that a bi-racial couple must endure when dealing with everyday life. Although the couple portrayed was that of an Indian and Brit instead of a Filipino and American, I could not help but reference my own relationship through out the whole film. From the parents who wish that their child marry their own race, to the search of one's true self within the reality of couple-dom, the movie points out a lot of issues couples like us have to overcome.

I guess in the end only God will truly tell if I've been extraordinary or not. I do not regret the choices I've made in life though I've made my fair share of bad ones. Moreover, I am where I am now becuase of the decisions I have made, the roads I have travelled. For me to still be living in this world and having the opportunity to better myself everyday is extraordinary in itself.

I don't know if this void will go away anytime soon but at least the mere fact it's there does validate my "drama queen" existence. That for me is just as important as winning a gold in the Olympics.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:35 AM]

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[Blogger rgucci @ 12:38 AM]

I watched this movie. It's on sale on DVD. It was cheesy. But not like like pizza cheese. It was more like bubble gum stuck on your shoe.

I'd have to say this about filling in voids... maybe they weren't meant to be filled. Not to sound too nerdy, but with the conservation of matter laws, whenever you fill something up, whatever you fill it up with has to be taken from somewhere else. So you fill in one hole, but you have to dig another to do it. Then you'd have a new hole you need to fill. It just never stops.

No one wants to be ordinary. But when everyone is aspiring to be extraordinary, doesn't it become special to be the only ordinary guy left?

I know a person who works hard at being different. He wants people to think that he's a non-conformist, that he's spontaneous. And he does at good job at planning it, saying no to invitations days in advance but secretly planning to say yes at the last minute. Silly isn't it? Note that I didn't say stupid. No one's really stupid. Well, except for Islamic extremists. They're just morons. Anyone who thinks he can justify violence in the name of Islam (Islam -> salaam -> peace -> Hello!) was probably dropped one too many times on his head as a baby. But that's not the topic at hand...

Oh I have my pretensions, too. Like I said, everyone wants to be extraordinary, but if you really take a look at it, people admire others who are extraordinary. It's almost a pre-condition for belonging, being a valuable part of the community. Funny isn't it, that we strive to be different in order to belong? So are they actually two different things?

But here I go again, over-intellectualizing. I remember our high school religion class, where we learned about intellectual masturbation. Hey, this is sounding much more fun already!

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Consumatum est

[Cocooned @ Thursday, August 12, 2004]

It is done.

Today, I finally told my boss that I decided to go for my Masters Degree. My last day at work will depend on when I get my student visa. This process takes 25 days. Before I could apply for the visa, I also have to renew my passport, and this process takes 7 days. It looks like I'll be around for several more weeks. Most likely, my last day at work will be the end of September, and my last day in America will be the first Monday of October.

Growing up, I always had a problem sleeping the night before the first day of classes. The same thing happens the night before a big family vacation to Lingayen beach or Libis ng Nayon in Laguna. Or when somebody's scheduled to visit us the next day. Or when I was going to get a new puppy. Do you know that kind of feeling? This excitement that's impossible to contain? Something bubbling up inside you that you're almost ready to pop? That's what I feel right now. Not as intense, but it's bringing back many great memories I didn't know I still carried with me.

I didn't realize I could still feel this. In fact, I didn't realize I could still feel.

I better drink a warm glass of milk tonight!

[Blogger CBS @ 9:51 AM]

It really isn't "consumatum est!" I don't know the Latin term for it, but it's just the beginning of a new chapter in your life! I haven't felt that way for so long! But I do recall the feeling. Cognitive construct lang, hindi affective.

But vicariously, I can feel your anticipation and excitement! All I can say is "good luck and enjoy the ride (or the tunnel trip! =))!" No day but today! Forget regrets or life is yours to miss!

BTW, instead of milk, some people (wink*wink) might suggest a stronger drink! =)

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:27 AM]

I am happy for you Ken. The pursuit of one's wholeness is something that should never be taken lightly.

I'll be honest. I've always hated the "butterflies-in-your-stomach" feeling. That concoction of excitement, anticipation and anxiety does not sit well in my big old belly. I guess that's why I'm such an "OC-OC" and require structure in my life.

But I know what your feeling. In a way I feel that same way too when I wake up in the morning and am greeted by warm touch of my partner's body. It's the knowledge that I am blessed to spend another day in this world with him that really keeps me giddy.

So to that I raise my glass of milk (spiked with vanilla vodka) and say cheers!

[Blogger rgucci @ 11:35 PM]

First of all, I love the title-- skirting on blasphemy but not quite. It is finished would have made me really crack up.

Also, (it would have to be me, wouldn't it?) I can't help pointing out the sexual connotation: consumatum-- I thought this was yet another post about Oli's abberant sexual dreams.

Congratulations! Beginning something new is always exciting and frightening at the same time. I would have to agree on the feeling of anticipation. Butterflies in the stomach, indeed. By the way, isn't it interesting that most primal emotions are related to the stomach? When you feel hopless you can feel it in the pit of your stomach. Or how about hurting like being hit in the gut? Or feeling like you've eaten glass? Or that fuzzy warm sensation in your tummy when you're sexually aroused?

Good luck in Germany. By the way, which school have you finally accepted? I hope you considered the location very carefully. After all, we wouldn't want to be stranded in some boondock when we go visit you. Don't worry, I will come bearing gifts of that insanely expensive tea that you like.

You won't make it for Oktoberfest will you? No worries, you will be there for a while.

Good luck! And as a wise man once said,
Mai ist Ihr zukünftiges von den Läusen frei.

[Blogger d1noli @ 12:51 AM]

Road trip! Road trip!

When are all going to visit Ken in Germany?

Btw, folks, thought you should know. I have started the process of becoming a citizen. I get my fingerprints next week then my test a month or so after. My aunt who started in March is saying she is taking her oath in September and that if I follow the same time schedule I would be an American by November.

So I guess this marks a new chapter in my life as well. No worries though as dual citizenship has been re-established once again so I won't stop being a pure-bred Flip.

[Blogger Cocooned @ 6:49 AM]

Thank you all for your well wishes!!!

I chose Freiburg University... or should I say, Freiburg chose me. One school (Saarbruecken) flatly rejected me, while the other (Tuebingen) said I didn't quite make it to the top of their list. Oh well, their loss, not mine. That's what I keep telling myself! (hehe)

Of the three, Freiburg has the best location. It's in the southwestern tip of Germany that borders France and Switzerland. It's within 15-30 minute driving distance to either country. It's the sunniest city in Deutschland and very touristy, like a San Diego of Germany. Best of all, I already have friends there so my transfer won't be too hard.

I will miss certain things: the few TV shows I watch, my car, cheaper clothes, my salary, certain luxuries like the means to travel and eat anything I want, etc. I feel, however, that God is on my side on this decision, so I'm sure everything will be fine. Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? -Matthew 6:26My door is open to you all! In fact, I need visitors to check up on me from time to time, to make sure I'm still sane. Here are two things to entice you to come: 1) Germany's strategic central location makes it easy to travel within Europe, both east and west. 2) They have a tunnel that can take you anywhere you wish! (Sorry Oli, hindi mo na naabutan yung Deutsche Welle show "HEAT" kung saan na-feature ang fan mail at hate mail ni Chris at ni Russell, respectively)

Now I have tons of things to do to prepare for my move. So it's not exactly consumatum est for me yet, though at least the hardest part - making the decision - is done. Right now, I'm embroiled in a spat with my company that stemmed from this decision. It's getting ugly actually, and I fear this might even cause my early dismissal. I'll keep you guys in the loop.

Thanks again for sharing my enthusiasm over my upcoming lifestyle change! Most people would think that my decision borders on the irrational. Why on earth should one leave a home, a steady job, and a comfortable life in the "best" country in the world? Only a few people understand that the American Dream I'm living isn't really my dream, and that my motivations do not involve these things. Almost all of these few people are members of this group blog.

Here's to living your dream! (aberrant sexual dreams included) *raises a glass of good-old pure, natural, bubble-free water, my drink of choice*


Children should get two things from their parents: roots and wings. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

[Blogger rgucci @ 8:02 PM]

Cheers to you, mate.

There is this commercial for an airline here, I'm not sure if any of you have seen it. It asks the question, "When was the last time you've done something for the first time?". It shows scenes like an elderly grandmother taking her first helicopter ride, and two guys experiencing their first snowfall.

There is something about Germany that resonates with you, isn't there? I would say that this turning a new leaf for you, but at the same time, isn't it sort of like coming home?

[Blogger Cocooned @ 11:18 AM]

"When was the last time you've done something for the first time?" I love that. That describes exactly what I always try to do, but I've never heard it put into words that are so simple yet so powerful. I'll make that my tag line.

Yes, Germany will be one of those things I've never done before. And by doing something new, it's like I'm going back to my old routine. But it's never routine, because it's always new. Ach - you know what I mean!

It's gonna be fun.

[Blogger rgucci @ 2:22 AM]

I knew you'd love it.

My work here is done.

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Abba, Abba and more Abba

[rgucci @ Sunday, August 08, 2004]

I finally got the chance to watch Mamma Mia last night. It's this musical inspired by all these Abba songs. I'm not much of an Abba fan, but I heard it was a good one so I went with a friend to watch it.

I was expecting it to be good, but it just blew me away! It was fantastic! Music was brilliant, actors and dancers were great, among other qualities I won't mention here ;) .

To put it simply, I've been humming and singing Abba songs since then, even last night when we went to a disco pumping out techno beats.

At the end, the musical turned into a mini-concert. After the x number of curtain calls, they put on real flamboyant outfits and started doing musical numbers! Needless to say, people just got up from their seats and started singing and dancing. It was a ripping sight.

Oh, and by the way, I have a dream is not a Westlife original? Well, one learns something new everyday!

[Blogger d1noli @ 5:35 AM]

I was supposed to treat Mark to Mamma Mia when we went to Las Vegas last year but we opted instead to watch a drag show (got VIP seating too!). Your story makes me regret not having seen it.

Gosh, I have been culturally deficient lately when it comes to plays and musicals. There are so many I've been wanting to watch:

1) The Producers
2) Hairspray
3) Mamma Mia
4) Thoroughly Modern Millie
5) Take Me Out
6) Avenue Q
7) Wicked
8) The Boy from Oz
9) Chess
10) Phantom of the Opera

The list goes on. I wish I had a week where we did nothing but watch plays and musicals.

[Blogger CBS @ 5:32 PM]

How's the play "Taboo?" Is it any good? Isn't Rosie O'Donnell connected with this?

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:31 AM]

Taboo was that weird Boy George-Rosie O' Donnell collaboration. Last I heard, it was a complete flop and no longer sees the light of Day.

I guess that's why Rosie and her life-partner Kelly Carpenter are focusing their efforts nowadays on their cruising business venture.

And Boy George is back to deejaying while seeking the next taboo he can accomplish in his life.

[Blogger d1noli @ 4:08 AM]

Mark's parents are coming over for Thanksgiving weekend and we're treating them to a show. Guess which one? None other than Mamma Mia of course! We buy the tickets this Wednesday. I'm so excited!

Thanks to Russ for making us want to go!

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Friday, August 06, 2004

Kenneth and Chris !!!

[d1noli @ Friday, August 06, 2004]

Where are you two?!?!?!

Write and post something dammit!!!

Even if it's just to say hello.

We can't have naked pics of Russell all the time.

[Blogger rgucci @ 10:45 PM]

You would just love my naked pics, wouldn't you?

[Blogger d1noli @ 5:41 AM]

Yeah, what better way to add fuel to my already demented dreams. *SHIVER*

[Blogger Cocooned @ 8:36 PM]

Is there a way for us to get notified automatically when there are updates to this blog?

[Blogger CBS @ 5:30 PM]

I'm here! Just been busy with work! I'm preparing, by the way, for my comprehensive exams this September. Better strike while the iron is hot! Please pray for me. September 4 and 11 are the exam dates. And please no nekid pics of anyone! They're distracting! =P

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:32 AM]

Our prayers go out to you buddy.

Don't know how far that will take you but it's better than nothing!

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Tuesday, August 03, 2004


[rgucci @ Tuesday, August 03, 2004]

Cute little bastard.
Originally uploaded by rgucci.

[Blogger d1noli @ 7:31 PM]

Oh my god. I am just dying to know what were the circumstances on your decision to do drag. Btw, you need practice.

[Blogger rgucci @ 12:56 AM]

LOL... I guess I'm not made for drag!

FYI, that is supposed to be tribal! And for a good charitable cause to boot!

[Blogger d1noli @ 5:43 AM]

Russ, if you wanted to go tribal, you didn't have to do anything. (Maybe wear a loin cloth.)

[Blogger Cocooned @ 8:23 PM]

Ano naman yang gimik na yan! Halloween came a few months early in Hong Kong?? And for whose cause is that? Struggling tribal make-up artists? Now we know why they're struggling..... hehe!

[Blogger CBS @ 5:27 PM]

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[Blogger CBS @ 5:28 PM]

Is that the kind of stuff you guys are doing in SFC-HK? Weird doesn't begin to describe the stuff you guys are into. How charitable figures into the equation escapes me! Hehe! And what's with the tongue action? =P

[Blogger rgucci @ 9:23 PM]

The tongue action is for practice. Can't have too dextrous a tongue now, can I?

This was for a dance parade for CFC's nth anniversary. I forget which. In any case, charity is involved because I took time out to look stupid (even more so than usual) for other people's amusement. Very charitable indeed!

[Blogger d1noli @ 3:34 AM]

The though of Russ working his dextrous tongue makes me shiver all the more!

SHIIIIVVEERRRR!!!! (That's not shivering in pleasure btw Russ. You only wish!)

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