Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears

[d1noli @ Tuesday, August 24, 2004]

I went to my very first ever toga party last Friday night. Why someone would want to wear such a thing to a party simply eludes me. Heck, but I did it anyways. Still, togas are not my thing (so unflattering to the legs!). Just goes to show you why I don't like attending Halloween costume parties.

For me, the concept of dressing up to have fun is contradictory. I'm the type of guy who doesn't want to take any effort when going to parties. If I have to dress-up and look all pretty for these kind of things then it just ain't for me. My type of get-togethers are the ones where I can come as am, no pretensions. I'll dress up if I want to and not becuase I have to.

Still, it was interesting to see all these people in their togas. Contrary to what people may think of me, I was not one of those who choose have to no clothes beneath their togas. There were a couple of people who did though and boy, did they have no problem letting everything hang out.

Anyways, the whole point of the party was to consume the massive amounts of alcohol the host had accumulated over the years. His icebox in the basement had finally bowed out due to the sheer number of bottles it was trying to keep cool. Thus, being left one refer short, our host had no option but to liquidate the liquid. And what better way to do that than share it with friends (or a bunch of alcoholics --- take your pick). Sadly, I could only down four drinks before I gave up and paid my respects to the Toilet God.

Saturday ended up being a day of recuperation for me. I wanted to watch this Japanese horror film called Ju-on (from the makers of Ringu) but quickly remembered my stomach queasiness from the night before. Feeling sick two days in a row would not be my idea of fun therefore I opted to see it another time. In it's place, I filled my time up with the tried and true time-eating pastime of videogames.

I had just finished Xenosaga: Part 1 the week before (and what an emotional philosophical rollercoaster of a game that was!). Now, I've my sights set on Disgaea. So far, I've pumped 30+ hours into the game. (Did I also fail to mention that I took Thursday off just to play this?) Strategy RPG's can be so terribly addicting.

Next up on the confessions of this middle-aged drama queen --- The Illinois Gay Rodeo. Keep y'all posted...


At 9:01 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

This piques my curiosity quite a bit. Just how long were the togas for some people to be able to just
let "everything hang out"?

And where did you get your toga? Did you buy one? Rent one? If you rented it, did you sanitize it before wearing it? Or do you have one just hanging in your closet, ready for such an occasion?

And of course you make yourself pretty for other people! Why would you make yourself pretty for yourself? Either you're totally into yourself that you don't think you need to, or you're totally self-deprecating that you don't think it will do any good!

At 10:37 PM, Blogger d1noli said...

Well, people like myself wore the long togas that covered everything. Others wore the short ones and when they sat down you could see everything. Also, the fabric I used was layered so it covered everything personal. Others, however, wore togas that were of a very sheer fabric so you could see anything you wanted.

The toga I had was a just 5 yards of fabric I bought for $5. I wrapped it around myself and tied it with a belt I that had a weaving pattern (thus making it look kinda like rope). Matched it with sandals and the host had laurels he made from greenery in his back yard. There you go --- instant toga.

I know we have to look pretty for others but heck, if they don't like me when I look normal then why should I make the effort?

At 2:07 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

So did you also have orgies ala Greco-Roman style? Was this a mixed party?

At 7:59 PM, Blogger d1noli said...

Yes it was a mixed party. What? You think I'm a small-minded fascist and only mingle with my own breed? (Uh-oh. I think I opened myself up to ridicule by using the word breed.)

As far as orgies, we know that only Russ partakes in those kind of hendonistic pleasures. I'd rather be watching porn anyday. Real orgies are so... uh ...messy. Oh, and unsanitary. Let's not forget that cleanliness is next to godliness.

Onto a different subject. Finally got to watch Ju-on last night. Had to drive all the way to the frickin' city to catch it after work since yesterday was the last day.

The movie was kind of a let-down. It was defenitely not Ringu or The Eye . Sure it had it's scary moments and I appreciate the fact that Asian horror focuses more on atmosphere rather than the westernized technique of cheap scares but would it be too much to ask for a plot? You guys need to watch it then let me know your opinion.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

Just to set the record straight about orgies-- they are not all messy and unsanitary. There are such things as showers. And non-sticky, oil-free, water-based lubricants! Or so I hear.

And that bit about choosing porn over a real orgy? Hey, who says you can't have it both ways? You can watch porn during an orgy! Or film the orgy and sell your own porn! See the possibilities are endless...

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Cocooned said...

Since I cannot contribute to the discussion about toga parties and orgies for lack of experience (my press release as of this time), I'll just comment on the movie Ju-on.

I bought the DVD with Chris when I was home in February. It was okay but didn't feel complete. I liked The Ring much better. I haven't seen the Japanese version yet, but I heard it's even better than the English one. I've also seen The Eye -- that one I liked. Speaking of asian movies, Hero is finally showing here! Critics are raving about it. There are so many good movies that are not made in Hollywood that the American audience is missing out on. It's sad, but to each his own.


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