Friday, August 27, 2004

It takes four sides to make a square.

[rgucci @ Friday, August 27, 2004]

Where's everyone else? Not to complain, but I would like to have more variety, more than Oli's wild and drunken sprees dressed in nothing but a yard of fabric. That was metaphorical, of course. We all know it takes more than a yard. Somehow, the image of theater curtains comes to mind...

Chris, how's the studying going? This is usually the part where I make jokes about post-grad education being useless as a nun's titties, but I will be nice and move on. Good luck for September!

Ken, how is the trans-atlantic migration coming along? Have you hexed your previous (or is it still current?) boss yet? Are they going to be shipping you over in a cardboard box? Or a crate?

How's everyone else coming along?


At 3:33 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

Hey! I'm domesticated thank you very much. Wild and drunken indeed. I'll have you know that I've given up my slutty ways for a more holistic lifestyle. Yes, I may party once in a while but who doesn't?

Speaking of theatre curtains, you all need to come visit and see the movie room.

Anyways, I do agree with Russ. We opened this blog to be able to see four different perspectives of life. The beauty of us being friends is that we have a connection yet are distinctly different. (That's why I wanted to call the blog "Four Corners" to begin with since we are all in different places and points in our lives yet we are all connected by our bonds of friendship and fraternity.) It becomes pointless if only two people want place effort on this thing. Why have it at all then?

May I also point out that we cannot continue to see naked pics of our dear exhibitionist friend Russ.

On a different tangent, someone else read this blog and commented! Cool.

At 1:50 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

Yay! Our first fan!

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Cocooned said...

Sorry for the brief hiatus. It got ugly at work and had to sort things out. It got so bad I thought I was going to get fired on Aug 16 (my birthday which the two of you forgot to acknowledge btw!!!) but I ended up keeping my job until October 1, 2004. They want me out of the office by that date, whether or not I get my student visa for Germany.

Anyway, all the ugliness is history and do not wish to resurrect it. Looking ahead, I still have tons of stuff to do. i made a list and wrote it on my white board. Needless to say, the white board didn't have enough space! I didn't realize moving, particularly transcontinental ones, is sooo back-breakingly difficult! When I moved to the U.S., I had only two suitcases with me. As I prepare to move out, I am discovering that I will need at least four suitcases. But besides packing for the trip, I have to dispose of my car, unregister it and tell the city government so I won't get taxed on it anymore, get my place repainted and spruced up, find a roommate for my roommate, prepare for the filing of my taxes, empty out my basement, hunt for cheap airfares, prepare for the renewal of my U.S. papers, get my German visa, etc etc. And these are multi-step processes that require a lot of time and patience. I am surprised I haven't collapsed under the weight of all these burdens. Though I am getting earthly help, I'm sure I'm also getting some divine assistance.

So, where's the fourth side of this square????? What's his excuse????? The pursuit of higher education is overrated! (haha)

At 10:51 PM, Blogger rgucci said...

You write To Do lists on a whiteboard when you have a kick-ass Treo 600?

At 1:59 AM, Blogger Cocooned said...

I write it on the whiteboard so that my roommate can whip me if I'm not making any progress. From time to time, I actually find myself writing To Do lists on paper. There's a certain "magic" to handwriting that typing on the keyboard doesn't have. Maybe it's because I write slowly, and because of the effort involved in the task, it feels like I mean it more if I handwrite it. But then if I take the time to write things down, by hand or by computer, I still mean it. Hmm, does that make sense?

BTW, an upgrade to the Treo 600 is coming out soon! I saw a picture of it in and it still kinda looks like my Treo 600. I'm waiting for one that has a bigger screen and without the keyboard. I prefer the regular cell phone number pad actually. And I'd like Graffiti writing back, for the reason I mentioned above.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger d1noli said...

ohhh you have someone whip you huh? guess it's not only russ who's into s&m


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